It has been identified that the early years from 0 to 7 years are the most important time from brain development in humans. It has been proven by experts in all over the world repeatedly that the capacity for a child to absorb concept & learning is the highest during 0 to 7 years of age, so it is necessary to identify areas of development that need to be focused on during these years of the child development and ensure that the same is imparted in an effective manner to the child. That is why, Pre-school is strongly recommended by the education expert.
Over a century ago, an Medical Practitioner, an enthusiastic Academician, a writer, a lecturer, and a children's mentor by name of Dr Maria Montessori, developed a new approach for educating and nurturing young children across the globe. As the first women medical doctor in Italy, Dr Montessori became very involved in child care and education of young children. Through her observations and teachings, she concluded that every child is an individual learner, quick adapter and should be encouraged to work at their own pace on projects they initiate themselves. Her philosophy worked from the basic premise that children learn better when they are given the opportunity to choose and discover in their own way than to be pushed into an environment with constraints.
This method of teaching started in Italy where Dr. Montessori lived. It continued to gain popularity through-out Europe in the early 1900s and is practiced today all over the world. She believed a child's mind from birth to six year was different from adults. She concluded that children effortlessly soak in everything in their culture and environment. She saw a tremendous need for children to have respectful, stimulating, nurturing and meaningful direction and guidance during what she called "absorbent mind stage".
Today, there are 7000+ top notch Montessori Schools worldwide and this number is growing every day. In India, while corporate activities are gaining pace in pre-school education chain, the Montessori method happens to be most preferred choice of pedagogy for these emerging chains.
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